Find paying customers
for your startup in 2 months
Before you run out of $
To bootstrap
Don't plan to raise money? You need to target the right niche and start selling ASAP before you're out of cash.
To fundraise
Plan to raise money? VCs won't consider a startup with no traction and a market size less than a billion dollar.
You need paying customers
It's all about targeting the right niche – the one where customers are willing to pay.
1. Propose a niche and estimate its size
Observe market changes to spot a niche and see if it's big enough to earn you money.
How do you find customers?
2. Map your competitors and their weaknesses
Figure out a way to be better than your direct and indirect competitors.
3. Talk to prospects to find a sales opportunity
Discover what pains your prospects and confirm they are willing to pay to solve it.
4. Develop a no-brainer offer for your customers
Plan an MVP and set a price that will make your customers feel like it's a steal.
Only it can take up to 12 months if you haven't done it before
You can't survive that long with no sales. Nor should you
Let's do it together in 2 months
· We've done this research so many times, we have a template

· We have deep expertise and ready insights in 6 industries

· We know where to get the missing data from

· We know how to differentiate wishful thinking from real facts

· We can execute it and strategize together with you
Most notably, it works.
In 100% of our cases, startups pivoted and got closer to stable $
It will take $70K and 6 months minimum. In 9 of 10 cases, the initial idea fails.
Is it expensive?
Classic approach: code a prototype and run traffic to test the idea.
We can test and pivot your idea until it works by talking to customers.
It will cost you $10k and take just 2 months, which 2x faster and 7x cheaper
Reach out
Shoot us a message here if it can't wait.
Drop us a line here if it really-really can't wait.

© M&M COACHING LLP Palliser House, Second Floor, Palliser Road, London, Greater London, United Kingdom, W14 9EB